By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail – Benjamin Franklin

The most important element of all the advice I can give you is your mentality. You must have a ‘can-do’ attitude. You must visualise to realise. Remember the saying ‘good things come to those who wait’, the saying should be ‘good things come to those who want it the most’ as that is closer to the truth.

Ever wonder why that certain someone gets all the luck, gets the best job, has more money than you? They have all those things because of their mentality, they are out in the world persevering, learning, developing and you, you are complaining about them.

Firstly: the brain. The brain is a powerful tool, it connects with the universe, it creates the opportunities you seek and it gives you the power to achieve your goals. Consider then if your brain was constantly thinking about negativity, going over the failures and the unfortunate situations you have experienced, or if it is not being pushed to its full potential being used purely to process the latest TV drama or computer game, do you think that brain would lead you to greatness, I shouldn’t think so.

So that being said first step to prepare for your successful future is prepare yourself.

  • Read every day, read something different, something out of your comfort zone, the focus here is to absorb the knowledge (quality over quantity) so make sure that you understand every last word you read, keep a dictionary by your side whilst you read to give you the best chance to fully understand, appreciate and remember the information you are discovering.
  • Learn a new language, or at least attempt it; you don’t have to be fluent to gain the experience of broadening your abilities. The task of learning a new language taps into part of your brain that you wouldn’t necessarily use on a daily basis, this gives you a great opportunity to increase your intelligence but also learn interesting new tools in life and maybe even expand your perception of people and cultures.
  • Exercise regularly; Now this might sound odd for someone who wishes to start an IT company but wonderful things happen to your body and mind when you exercise, chemicals are released creating positivity, sleep patterns improve which will in turn help with concentration and creativity, overall body physical fitness will aid in your day to day travel and meetings, early starts and late nights. Also remember to exercise your brain, do crosswords and Sudoku’s whenever possible, build jigsaws or play card games, these will all help to keep your brain working and motivated, they can also help with memory and concentration again.
  • Focus on your goals, many people are not sure of what they want when they start out (I will talk later about planning for success) but when they find the target it is then when it becomes difficult to stay with that idea. Moving towards your goal will introduce you to many ideas, situations and people that you could sway you away from your original target, especially at difficult times. These are distractions that should be avoided. I am of course not saying not to take from these ideas or people to enhance your product, but do not lose your original focus and go down a different route completely because of them.

Once you have prepared yourself and put into place the beginning motions of self-appreciation and enhancement you are in the best place to start your journey of becoming a success.